The No Fuss

Quit 4 Life Programs

This method I  used in private practise. Its not just about Hypnosis, it goes deeper , its also about habit, and triggers.

Mind tools to beat this habit / addiction . A combination of guided imagery hypnosis , with EFT and Breaking Habit Triggers . Along with support as you go though the most critical stages of you becoming the NON  SMOKER you truly are !

How does it works ?


Hypnotherapy , let start with what it is. A method of communicating with your subconscious . “Why”you may ask. The subconscious stores all information , changes to lifestyles and the perception inter connect with the subconscious 

Breaking Habits

​Marketing companies have for many years used the subliminal tactic , hypnotically directing your subconsciousness to a pathway of the product or service being sold. Have you ever had a friend say they have purchased a car and the colour is ….. and you think to yourself “you don’t see many of that colour car on the roads”  and BANG  you see heaps of them . Why because even though you are not consciously looking for the colour car, and you may have even forgotten the conversation with your friend…BUT that colour car keeps coming up! This is what we want to create for you to succeed in achieving the goal, dream, your desire!


What are triggers , the events that sets you into automatic, where your conscious mind is not aware. Smell , touch, taste, sound and sight, match these with the time of day, being morning  , lunch dinner all these are the unconscious triggers, that start the domino effect to the outcome being you reaching for  or lighting up a cigarette.  These need to be changed, so that you journey to stop smoking is easier.

Do It For Your Health

EFT-Emotional Freedom Technic

Emotional Freedom Techniques is basically a non evasive form of acupuncture , bases on the same as acupuncture , the meridian lines in the body. What the meridian line ,  they are the pathways where energy flows in the body . EFT also embodies forms of other therapies , including  neuro-linguistic programming . You will learn the technique and how to use it as a tool .

Which way is Your Way

Face to Face

Face to face offers a personalised service , where you can discuss the emotional triggers and work on strategies to overcome and implement new habits. This service for Quit Smoking also includes planning your success. With support though the process, easing into the non smoker lifestyle. The main advantage with the Face to Face  Quit Smoking program is personalised, if you are someone that wants to stop smoking yet feels that you may not have the strength, then this is the course of action for you. Personalised Quit4Life program can be via Zoom, Skype, or Facebook. All you have to do is choose a time, and a comfortable place, and become the Non smoker you truly are today. 

The Privacy of Webinar

Have you tried to Quit Smoking before , and just haven’t had any luck or have stopped smoking for a short time, but just cant seem to keep the change to a non smoker permanent? Do you feel now that if you were to tell your friend or family, that you want to Stop Smoking again , that they would just roll their eyes and your support would be less. Or maybe you are the type of person that knows they have a strong desire to be a Non Smoker and yet you just need that help to get you over the line. This is what you have been waiting. You can now do this in the privacy of you own desired space. The webinar took over a year of planning, there is no sale gimmicks or up sales, you get it all. 

just do it now

Your success is my business, and your self empowerment.